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Easy Access to the World's Most Comprehensive Frequency Database
Frequency therapy is a novel way to resolve numerous conditions. The natural energy field can restore good-health.
Frequency Heals has advanced audio therapy to a new level. Access thousands of healing frequencies that cover a wide range of health conditions, from emotional issues to physical discomfort.
Whether you’re looking to boost your overall health or address a specific ailment, Frequency Heals is the perfect tool to help you on your journey toward wellness.

Comprehensive Database
The human body energy field plays a very important role in our health. Everything is energy, everything in our existence is connected to a field of electromagnetic vibrational frequencies. Sound healing synchronizes brain waves to achieve profound states of relaxation, helping to restore the normal vibratory frequencies of the cells in our bodies.
Frequency Heals scientifically applies Royal Rife frequencies. It contains more than 10,000 pure frequencies for over 2,500 different health problems.
Frequency Heals can play healing music to adjust the vibrations of your cells, helping them work in harmony. When all your cells resonate together, they become coherent, giving you the energy and confidence to achieve more than you can imagine.
Convenient Daily Use
Frequency Heals allows you to browse through a variety of healing music with ease. We have organized a few playlists to give you effortless access to the most popular tunes. You can also search for the perfect track that resonates with you.
Organized lists include:
* Recommend
* Solfeggio
* Energy
* Emotion
* Sleep
* Magic Pro
Embark on your frequency healing journey with these organized lists designed for your quick start. These comprehensive lists encompass a wide array of health concerns, including anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain, and more.

Custom Binaural Beats
You can customize binaural beats and create your own healing frequency.
Here is a brief introduction for those unfamiliar with binaural beats:
When playing two different sound frequencies in each ear, your brain perceives the difference as a single tone, creating a beat or pulse in the head. This beat has therapeutic effects such as reducing anxiety, improving focus, and promoting relaxation.
You can customize your own exclusive frequency to stimulate desired brain waves. Set the frequencies for each ear, and the run duration. You can save your personal frequency data for future use.

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